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women sex drive
women sex drive
women sex drive
women sex drive
women sex drive
women sex drive

34 menopause symptoms

Hot flashes, night sweats, cold flashes

Bouts of rapid heart beat


Mood swings, sudden tears

Trouble sleeping

Irregular periods, often unlike previous experience

Loss of libido - sex drive

Vaginal Dryness

Crashing fatigue


Feelings of doom, dread, apprehension

Inability to concentrate

Disturbing lapses of memory

Incontinence upon sneezing, laughing

Itchy, crawly skin

Aching, sore muscles, tendons & joints

Increased muscle tension

Breast soreness, tenderness

Change in headaches increase or decrease

Stomach discomfort indigestion, gas

Bouts of depression, loss of "self"

Worsening of existing conditions

Increased allergies

Sudden weight gain

Hair loss

Changes in body odor

Electric shock sensation, in body or head

Bleeding Gums


Fingernails softer, cracking.


Women sex drive supplements

  Peru's maca root supplements are made of the best hormonal nutrient herb in nature for sex drive in women. Maca nourishes hormonal glands and helps women with natural production of testosterone hormones for libido and sex drive enhancement.

Garry P. Gordon, MD, former president of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, bases his appreciation of maca supplements for sex drive in men and women on his own experience with it. Dr. Gordon said, "We all hear rumors about various products like maca. But using this Peruvian root myself, I personally experienced a significant improvement in erectile tissue response. I call it 'nature's answer to Viagra™".
"What I see in maca is a means of normalizing our steroid hormones like testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen. Therefore it has facility to forestall the hormonal changes of aging," Dr. Gordon believes. "It acts on men and women to restore them to a healthy sexual functional status in which they experience a more active libido

Testosterone hormones are produced primarily by a male's testes, but are also produced in small amounts by the female's ovaries and the adrenal gland, an organ found in both sexes. After puberty, testosterone plays a key role in the regulation of the libido and sex drive. Large deficiencies of testosterone causes low sex drive, and appropriate levels of testosterone increases sexual interest and libido in both men and women.

Unlike testosterone drugs for sex drive in women, which increases breast cancer risks. Natural maca acts totally different in your body. It stimulates your own natural testosterone production, by inducing the optimal functioning of the pituitary and endocrine glands. Says Dr. Chacon (Nature & Health magazine, nov. 1999). Rather than taking risky drugs; organic maca acts naturally, nourishing hormonal glands and inducing proper production of your own human bio identical testosterone. Dr. Chacon's discoveries of the pituitary stimulating effects of maca in men and women are enormous.

The nourishing effects of maca supplements in hormonal glands are very effective. It really helps women to improve sex drive, libido and vaginal lubrication. It also helps with other menopause symptoms relief.

It is important to know that maca supplements do not contain any plant hormones like black cohosh and other phyto estrogen herbs, but its action in the body nourish and jogs the pituitary gland into producing the precursor hormones which ultimately end up raising estrogen, progesterone and testosterone hormones in women.

As maca is cultivated in the highlands of the Peruvian Andes, local inhabitants say that men and women who consume Maca as part of their daily diet are known to be very fertile. Its fertility and sex drive enhancing effects are so popular that Maca is used as part of their daily diet.

Discovery Health says It! Today, maca's popularity is very much on the increase, as men and women discover that the plant really does boost libido, sexual function and overall energy Chris Kilham, medicine hunter. Click Here to see articles on maca for women sex drive.

Pure and concentrated natural Maca is what our whole product MacaActive consists of. Nothing else but pure hormonal nourishing Macaactive supplements are what women really need for sex drive enhancement.

Now-a-days Macaactive supplements are providing aid to thousands of women who suffer from low sex drive, low testosterone levels and an overall lack of energy.

A recent study of maca was published in the April 2000 issue of Urology, the prestigious medical journal that first published the Viagra studies. This study scientifically demonstrated that the standardized Maca, the extract in MacaActive supplements, promotes hormonal function, libido and energy in both men and women.

Research on consumption of MacaActive to increase sex drive in men and women tells us that a consumption of 3 to 6 tablets a day have proved a great increase in male's sperm semen production and women testosterone levels to improve their sex drive. With MacaActive you have a safe, effective, nontoxic way to significantly increase your own testosterone hormones naturally.

Many women wonder if this hormonal nourishing herb for sex drive can really provide the benefits of improving sexual functions and overall energy. What this product does is simple: MacaActive feeds hormonal glands making them work and function better. You'll feel active and younger, you will be able to restore your testosterone for sex enhancement in only a week of consumption (this is because it acts like food does).
Just Benefits. Want to know more about how exceptional these hormonal nourishing supplements for sex drive can be?. The many Benefits for men and women that MacaActive provides?. Click here to know about the sexual Benefits of macaactive supplements for women sex drive.
It is such an incredible herbal sex drive enhancer that you won't believe it. Click Here to see some incredible medical studies and doctor comments on how maca is an extraordinary food to increase libido and sexual functions in men and women.
women sex drive treatment

Want a much better sex drive? click here to buy these hormonal nourishing herb for women sex drive and don't miss out on these extraordinary all natural MacaActive supplements that will make you feel healthier and sexually younger in a degree that you have never known before.

Info links:
Click here to read about maca benefits for women sex drive.
Click here to read about doctor comments on maca for women sex drive enhancement.
Click here to read about the benefits of maca for women sex drive treatment.
Click here to read about doctor comments on maca for women sex drive.
Discovery Health and Nature & Health Magazine says it! Click here to read articles on maca benefits.
Want an active and sexual life that satisfies? click here to order MacaActive supplements And don't miss out on this excellent energetic and hormonal enhancer MacaActive.  


Macaactive supplements are made of the best hormonal nourishing herb for sex drive increase in women. Macaactive has become famous for its sex drive and libido benefits in both sexes men and women.

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